The Index 

The weight of an arena/category/parameter is on a 1-5 scale.
The weight indicates the importance of each arena, category, or parameter, in comparison to the others.

The score of an arena/category/parameter is on a 0-10 scale.
0 indicates developments that pose maximum strain and 10 indicates a maximally sustaining impact for a two-state outcome.

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Arena AW AV Category CW CV Parameter PW PV Notes
Political and Public Arena 4.00 5.73 Leadership 5.00 3.79 Israeli prime minister 4 1.5 How supportive is the Israeli prime minister of a two-state solution
PLO chairman 5 7.0 How supportive is the PLO chairman of a two-state solution
Hamas leadership 3 1.5 How supportive is the Hamas leadership of reconciliation that empowers the PLO chairman to negotiate a two-state solution
Body politic 1.00 2.50 Fatah-Hamas relations 4 3.5 How close the two main Palestinian factions are to reconciliation that will help resolve the Palestinian representation crisis
PLO cohesion 3 3.0 To what extent internal strife within various Palestinian factions harms Palestinian representation and the two-state cause
Israeli government 5 1.5 How supportive the makeup of the Israeli coalition is of a two-state solution
Israeli legislature 1 2.0 How supportive the makeup of the Israeli Knesset is of a two-state solution
Public 3.00 4.72 Palestinian public opinion 5 4.0 How supportive is the Palestinian public of a two-state solution
Israeli public opinion 5 3.5 How supportive is the Israeli public of a two-state solution
Interaction between Palestinian and Israeli civil societies 0 0.0 The level and intensity of interaction between Israeli and Palestinian civil societies
Israeli civil society 3 8.0 The intensity and effectiveness of pro-two-state Israeli civil society actors
Palestinian civil society 3 4.0 The intensity and effectiveness of pro-two-state Palestinian civil society actors
Palestinian education 0 0.0 To what extent the Palestinians education system promotes themes of moderation toward and reconciliation with Israel
Israeli education 0 0.0 To what extent the Israeli education system promotes themes of moderation toward and reconciliation with the Palestinians
International Public Opinion 1 9.0 How supportive is international public opinion of the two-state solution
Israeli Public Discourse 5 4.5 How discourse among media, public, and officials influences prioritization of the two state solution on the Israeli public or political agenda.
Palestinian Public Discourse 5 4.5 How discourse among media, public, and officials influences prioritization of the two state solution on the Palestinian public or political agenda.
International actors 5.00 8.92 United states 4 9.0 How supportive is the United States of a two-state solution
Arab world 3 9.0 How supportive is the Arab World of a two-state solution
Europe 3 9.0 How supportive is the European Union of a two-state solution
Other 2 8.5 How supportive is the rest of the international community of a two-state solution
Diplomatic and Legal Arena Diplomacy 5.00 2.00 Israeli-Palestinian bilateral negotiations 5 2.0 The extent to which bilateral Israeli-Palestinian negotiations are intense, carried in good faith, and geared toward a two-state solution
Official Israeli-Palestinian Engagement 3 2.0 The extent to which bilateral Israeli-Palestinian engagement on practical economic, security, and humanitarian matters is sustained and maintains a diplomatic horizon between the sides.
Third party engagement 0 0.0 The extent to which third parties are willing and able to exert pressure on and offer incentives to the sides to move them toward a two-state solution
Oslo framework 2.00 4.00 PA-ruled area 0 0.0 The integrity of PA control over areas A and B
Paris agreement 3 6.0 The level of adherence to the the economic framework agreed upon in the 1994 Paris Agreement
Area C 4 2.5 The level of Palestinian access to (and relaxation of Israeli control over) Area C
Israeli law 2.00 1.70 Israeli law in the west bank 3 1.5 (REVERSED SCALE) The efforts toward annexation of the West Bank by means of major annexation bills that are advancing in the Knesset, as well as other systematic application of Israeli law over areas of Israeli settlements
Expropriation of private Palestinian lands or legalization of settlements 2 2.0 (REVERSED SCALE) Tracking the application of the Regulation Law, key legal opinions that seek to create alternative avenues for expropriating private lands, and how both are being effectuated on the ground
International law 4.00 8.21 International decisions/resolutions 0 0.0 To what extent does the collection of decisions and resolutions provide a constructive framework for a two-state solution
Lawfare: Legal institutions and proceedings
Recognition/memberships 0 0.0 To what extent the issue of recognition/memberships anchors the two-state solution in international institutions
Basic International norms 0 0.0 To what extent the collection of basic international norms provide a constructive framework for a two-state solution
International Decisions & Norms 4 8.0 To what extent does the collective decisions and resolutions of the international community promote basic international norms constructive to the framework of a two-state solution.
Reality on the Ground 2.00 4.55 Settlement expansion 5.00 1.88 Settlement Planning 4 1.5 (REVERSED SCALE) The number and scope of settlement expansion plans advanced in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Settlement Construction 5 1.5 (REVERSED SCALE) The number and location of settlement units constructed in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Agriculture 0 0.0 (REVERSED SCALE) The extent of Israeli agricultural infrastructure in the West Bank
Industry 0 0.0 (REVERSED SCALE) The extent of Israeli industrial infrastructure in the West Bank and East Jerusalem
Roads 0 0.0 (REVERSED SCALE) The extent of Israeli transportation infrastructure in the West Bank and East Jerusalem
Settlement Infrastructure 3 3.0 The extent of Israeli agricultural, industrial, and transportation infrastructure in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Security 4.00 8.39 Palestinian attacks (West Bank) 5 8.0 (REVERSED SCALE) The number and impact of attacks on Israelis from the West Bank
IDF Military actions (West Bank) 5 8.5 (REVERSED SCALE) The number and impact of attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank
Settler Violence 5 9.5 (REVERSED SCALE) The number and impact of settler attacks against Palestinian civilians and property in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Security coordination 3 7.0 The level of security coordination between the sides
Palestinian Statebuilding 2.00 4.50 Economic Stability 3 2.0 The level of economic viability of Palestinians in the West Bank.
Integrity of Palestinian Governance 1 2.0 The effectiveness of Palestinian Authority governance in the West Bank.
Governance 0 0.0 The effectiveness of governance in the PA areas in the West Bank
Ties between West Bank & Gaza 4 7.0 The extent and viability of social, political, and economic ties between Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Jerusalem 5.00 3.75 Holy sites 5 4.5 The integrity of and access to holy sites based on the established religious Status Quo.
Settlements 4 3.0 (REVERSE SCALE) The expansion of Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem, in large Jewish settlement-neighborhoods and inside Palestinian residential areas
Palestinian civil life 3 3.5 The ability of Palestinians to develop civil and political infrastructure in East Jerusalem
Gaza 4.00 5.08 Humanitarian conditions 0 0.0 The humanitarian conditions in the Gaza Strip
Prospects for war 4 10.0 (REVERSE SCALE) The prospects for an Israeli-Palestinian skirmish in Gaza
Palestinian attacks (Gaza) 3 6.5 (REVERSED SCALE) The number and impact of attacks on Israelis from the Gaza Strip
IDF Military actions (Gaza) 3 7.0 (REVERSED SCALE) The number and impact of attacks on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip
Governance 3 2.0 (REVERSED SCALE) The effectiveness of governance in the Gaza Strip
Humanitarian & Economic Conditions 5 1.0 The humanitarian conditions and economic viability of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
Economy 0 0.0 The level of economic viability of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip
Solvability of the Core Issues 5.00 4.75 Borders 5.00 4.00 Borders 5 4.0 The geographic integrity of the prospective Palestinian state after realistic, equal land and population swaps
Population 0 0.0 The willingness and ability of Israel to evacuate and absorb the settlers that would need to be evacuated in the context of a two-state solution
Land swaps 0 0.0 The geographic integrity of the prospective Palestinian state after realistic, equal land swaps
Security 5.00 7.50 Security 5 7.5 The ability of Israel, the Palestinians, and regional actors to agree on a regional security and counter-terrorism architecture that answers the security and sovereignty needs of all parties.
Regional architecture 0 0.0 The ability of Israel, the Palestinians, and regional actors to agree on a regional security architecture that answers the security and sovereignty needs of all parties
Counterterrorism 0 0.0 The ability of Israel and the Palestinians to agree on counterterrorism measures that answer the security and sovereignty needs of both parties
Envelope 0 0.0 The ability of Israel and the Palestinians to agree on security arrangements and timelines introduced on the boundaries between Palestine and third countries
Jerusalem 4.00 4.00 Jerusalem 4 4.0 The ability to draw a continuous border through the city with minimal infringement on daily lives and reasonable integration of both capitals into their respective states while guaranteeing the integrity of and access to Holy Sites.
Geopolitical 0 0.0 The ability to draw a continuous border through the city with minimal infringement on daily lives and reasonable integration of both capitals into their respective states
Holy Places/Sanctity 0 0.0 Guaranteeing the integrity of and access to holy sites based on the established religious Status Quo.
Refugees 2.00 4.00 Refugees 2 4.0 he ability of Israel and the Palestinians to agree on refugee matters, including – recognition, rights, residency, and compensation – and the extent to which they are addressed in the context of the agreement.
Responsibility 0 0.0 The ability of Israel and the Palestinians to agree on language that addresses the responsibility for the creation of the refugee issue
Refugees rights 0 0.0 The ability of Israel and the Palestinians to agree on refugee rights and the extent to which they are addressed in the context of the agreement
Permanent place of residency 0 4.0 The ability of Israel and the Palestinians to agree on mechanisms that addresses the permanent residency needs of Palestinian refugees
Compensation 0 3.0 The ability of Israel and the Palestinians, with the assistance of the international community, to agree on compensation modalities for refugihood/suffering, for lost properties, and to host countries
Recognition / Narrative / Reconciliation 2.00 2.00 Recognition / Narrative / Reconciliation 2 2.0 The ability of Israel and the Palestinians to agree on language that recognizes both people’s right to self-determination, each in its own state.
Historical narratives/mutual recognition/prisoners 0 0.0 The ability of Israel and the Palestinians to agree on language that recognizes both people’s right to self-determination, each in its own state